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March 11, 2007



Generally speaking, if I were a REIT, I'd rather spend money on green features, as opposed to a full-fledged accounting department. Stay private because the access to capital is plentiful. As for public REITs, I think they're undervalued, especially when you look at the net asset values compared to the enterprise value. right??

 equity investmnets

That makes sense, preston. If you stay private theres lots of capital opportuinities. Im not sure about the public REITs though, thats a pretty sketchy topic.


I agree with Preston and Equity Investments that private REITs can be a better choice. Also some non traded REITs might not be referred to as green REITs, but they are acquiring LEED buildings which is good. I know Cole REIT just acquired an LEED Gold Certified building, and I'm pretty sure is at least the second Gold property in their portfolio.

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