I came across this ABC News (search: 'Tech Goes Green:) video clip on Yahoo about TechNet, which is a bipartisan political network of CEOs and Senior Executives of leading U.S. technology companies...representing more than 1 million employees. It is pretty cool actually. All of these CEOs and big wigs get together and talk about issues facing the world today and try to figure if/how technology can be used to tackle some of these problems. Members of TechNet include heavy hitters like Microsoft, Amazon, Ebay, Cisco, and Visa. The video I saw was an interview with John Chambers, the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Cisco Systems. He had some really interesting ideas and I was trying to apply what he was saying about technology to real estate.
According to Chambers, there is approximately 1.5 billion dollars of venture capital right now chasing green technologies and renewable forms of energy...he feels that it is the next big wave that will cause a paradigm shift in how we live and conduct our lives.
I agree with that. Not only does it provide efficiencies from an financial or economic point of view...socially, it is the right thing to do. And it seems like the green movement is close to a irreversible tipping point...with groups from all different platforms (government, business, Al Gore) coming together with a common goal...that's when things can happen and happen very fast! Alright, how does this relate to real estate. Follow this...technology-->real estate-->sustainability-->economic footprint-->profitability-->new trends-->TELECONFERENCING!
This was a trend mentioned by Chambers but it hit me pretty good. As the internet continues to grow and progress and as businesses cater to and develop more sophisticated forms of employee flexibility (work when and where you want...just get your work done) and as homes and businesses are built with an infrastructure for teleconferencing (demand for these types of building structures will increase and the quality of the structures will have to improve because we will spend more time in them)...the quality of our personal lives will increase. We will be able to work faster...be more flexible...more efficient...less congestion on the highway...less emissions...smaller personal footprint...increased profitability! So, if anyone at work asks where I have been...I will respond, "I work at home to reduce emissions!"