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April 07, 2007



We can't forget, this $5 is going to get wrapped up into however much of student fees the school charges, which will go to booze and other partying. Plus, it'll get amortized over whatever low-interest, consolidated loan period you choose! Think of it like doing some good by paying 1/16 of a penny every day for the next 30 years. :)

Garrett Koerner

Thanks for the comment Preston. Hopefully that isn't the case...you would like to see the students benefit from an initiative like this but you do run a risk, if the funds aren't properly managed with proper financial controls, of funding "happy hour" every night of the week. Hopefully Roland will keep us posted as to the progress.

Roland Saekow


In regard to some of the questions posed by Preston, I can tell you the following:

The spending of the funds is controlled by a detailed set of Bylaws and records will be kept publically.

Furthermore, a Grant Making Committee encompasing the Graduate Assembly, Associated Students of the University of California, Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability, student body, faculty, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Vice Chancellor of Facilities Services decides how the money will be spent

-- it definately will not be spent on partying.

To deal with inflation:

"After Spring 2010, the fee will increase every three years to cover the cost of inflation and other increases (including the cost of energy) in the following manner:

o 2007-08, 2008-09, and 2009-10 (Years 1 -3): $5.00 per semester
o 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13 (Years 4-6): $5.50 per semester
o 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 (Years 7-10): $6.00 per semester "

For more information, please see our "In Detail" page:

Thanks and Vote TGIF!

thesis writing

This initiative is really great! I'd love to participate in an event like this

Paper writing service

I always want to do some thing for our plant.
And most important now is stopping to destroy the green land and improving our fault system into green system.I hope this event is going successfully from it birth.Thanks

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