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June 23, 2007



Congratulations on post #100! Keep it comin' - I really like your site. These turbines are awesome. Very exciting. Personally, I look forward to the day when you can stand in any urban, suburban, or rural area and not look around you without seeing some kind of wind turbine (and solar panel).


What's up John...thanks a bunch! I appreciate your support. I agree with you...I think it would be cool to see little wind turbines built into houses or roofs with solar panels built in inconspicuous places. I like to compare wind turbines with the computer industry. When computer first came out, they took up a whole floor of building. Now, they can fit into the palm of your hand. Now, wind turbines may not become that small (maybe though) but as the technology gets better, they will have better designs and will fit in tighter spaces, sucking up as much wind as possible. Keep it real John!

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