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« The TomaHouse Is Prefab + Portable + Versatile | Main | Verdant Magazine's Green Debut »

June 29, 2007



Does anyone know about the LEEDS Gold rating development in Semiahmoo? I received a piece of mail yesterday outlining Home- Site sales at the Semiahmoo resort featuring Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen architecture, Golf memberships to Loomis Trail and Semiahmoo etc??? I believe it was Horizon at Semiahmoo or something like that?!?

Anyone know if this is modelled after SunCadia or what the story is?

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For something that is 3000 sq ft and still call it green is a bit wrong for me. To be green must also mean that we only take what we need, do we really need all that space?

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That is probably the house in my dreams since i was a child, amazingly perfect. in 3,000 square feet, 4 bed and 3 bath is the best partition of space. It is not surprising that it is one of highest green-rated homes in Washington.

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I love those houses, living in house like that is like living in a jungle. I'm not kidding, it is very nature friendly house. I'm pretty sure that having a vacation on that place will remove all the stress and problems.

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Thanks, I really admire your blog.

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