Studies have shown that people are happier and more productive when they are exposed to natural sunlight during the course of their workday as opposed to artificial light. In 1999, the California Board of Energy Efficiency commissioned a study and found that increased sales, increased productivity, increased wellness and reduced energy costs resulted from companies using natural solor lighting instead of artifical light. Enter in Sunlight Direct.
Sunlight Direct is a company that has attempted to capture the sun's light and distribute it into the interior of a building to provide premium, quality lighting with reduced energy consumpton. The sunlight is gathered through a "solar collector" (basically a dish) placed on the roof. The captured sunlight is transmitted through plastic optical fibers (which are extremely flexible and low-cost) to "hybrid luminaries" (basically lighting fixture), which deliver the light to the interior rooms of the building. The solar collector has a GPS tracking device which allows the dish to move around and point directly at the sun to capture the most sunlight possible. One of Sunlight Direct's systems can deliver 50,000 lumens of sunlight. This is equivalent to approximately 17 fluorescent lamps or 45 60W halogen lamps. Early projections place the cost for one of these systems at less than $10,000. As volume increases, the price could drop even further.
Check out the video below. It basically walks you through one of these systems and goes into a little more detail on the technical components.
++Equity Green Solar
++Sunlight Direct [website]
That's Really Interesting
Posted by: used bucket trucks | February 05, 2010 at 09:09 AM
I believe it. I know I always tend to feel more productive when it's nice and sunny out.
Posted by: Bucket Trucks USA | February 09, 2010 at 06:47 AM