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« Torre Bicentenario To Be Sustainable + Tallest Building in Latin America | Main | nArchitects A Finalist In Living Steel Competition »

August 21, 2007


Joel Egan

Yes, we did coin the term 'cargotecture' and it is now a registered trademark of HyBrid.

Joel Egan



Thanks for the comment. That's good to know that Hybrid trademarked the name...I definitely give you guys props for the cool "cargotecture" designs.

Oahu Real Estate

These look great! I wish we could get them out here in Hawaii, but the shipping would probably not make it very cost effective.

Bashir Issa

Dear Sirs,

Can you please send me information of your houses. I am trying to take one with me to Somalia, I was wondering if I can some more information about prices and proper details of the structure of the dwellings.




A recent article in the Salt Lake City paper talked about a multi-story condo project made of containers.


It will be interesting to see if they can sell them in this market.


I definitely think there is a place for those types of structures in Salt Lake. Not everyone will go for them, but it will be great to have the development on the landscape.


I want to work for your company!!! This is the coolest website that I have ever skimmed across on accident. My name is David and I am currently a graphic/industrial design student at Kendall College of Art and Design in Grand Rapids, MI. Just want to say that your work struck a chord in me. Nice...

Bucket Trucks USA

Looks great!! Wouldn't want to live in Seattle though...I like my warm, Sunshine state weather!

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