What's up everybody? It's been a while. Man, I will be glad when I have this CPA test off of my back. It is taking a lot of my time. I am trying to get all the parts passed by mid-February. So far...2 down and passed, 2 to go. So, needless to say, my ability to research and posts entries to EquityGreen has been somewhat limited. But I got an interesting one today.
Buying and selling carbon credits...is it grethical (and yes, I just made that up but you know what I mean...is someone or something coming off "green" or being concerned about green issues because they are motivated by a responsibility for the environment or are they just trying to look good in the public eye and seek pats on the back)? Does it matter? Its an interesting concept.
Let me just take a second and catch everyone up to speed on the issue....
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